We know.
It's an unknown.
A paid for ONLINE membership for TEENS?
NO in person sessions.
NO club house to go to.
NO face to face contact with friends.
No one likes unknown but, have faith.
Last night we did our launch webinar. It was an unknown. It felt a bit daunting but, we did it. We ran through ou the big whys behind our drive to make this work, our backgrounds as well as looking a bit more closely into the membership. If you couldn't make it, have questions, would like to see the replay to help you find our more then email us
To those of you that have already signed up, thank you! Every single one of you has genuinely made us so excited and confirmed to us that we ARE doing the right thing delivering HOW as an online platform.
Many teens have reported actually preferring the online setting for the HOW Inspire Digital life stories sessions. Parents are able to support and listen in, there is no embarrassment in asking questions and no head to head arguments to actually get them there in the first place when their friends might not be going...
Digital does NOT replace face to face, but it is a space that we have ALL realised recently is a very valid and effective way of giving information and making human connections.
No one is doing this in the UK at the moment. We believe we can deliver something special but we realise for those of you that don't know us that might feel like a bit of a punt.
If you are ready to take it click here to read the details and join!
Those that know us can testify of our ability to make things happen and this is one of those times.
These are testimonials from some attendees at our events.
“Priceless!!! You literally cannot put a price on what you both have created for our girls and the fundamentals you have subtly instilled in them.” Parent HOW Girls
“The whole thing has been absolutely superb and she loved every minute of it.” Parent HOW Girls
‘The speakers chosen inspired me to reach out and do what I love‘ Nalani 11
‘Very cool to see people following their dreams as a career path. I loved the opportunity to meet and hear from such strong women’ Els 13
The NEW HOW Membership is closing for the Founding Members registration in 48HRS. When you register today, you’ll know that you will have hopped on to a journey to deliver some incredible content to your Teens ears at a potentially challenging time.
Our LIVE weekly sessions will become a highlight of the week for your daughters. A bit of downtime with other adults, who aren't their parents, and new friends. A community that they can have ownership over and help to grow. Within the resources there will be something for everyone and resources will always be added on a monthly basis.
As you’ll see, the founders members price is just £15 a month. That’s NOTHING compared to the LIVE monthly content and value you will get. The virtual life skills help, coaching, mentoring and experiences your daughter will get in time.
And don't forget if we haven't already said, this membership has a 100% guarantee if you aren't happy within 30 days. So no risk. Oh, and you can cancel your monthly membership anytime too.
At 11.55pm on Sunday 31st May, we will close this offer for this Founding Members launch at this price. After this, the next launch in September will have a higher price and a higher annual members price.
This is really a bit of a one off opportunity to join us from the beginning of this digital journey.
We know it isn't for everyone but we hope you will see the value and want to be a part of it. If not, no hard feelings at all! You can dip in and out of our HOW Inspire evenings which will run on a monthly basis and be open to all.
Let us know if you have any questions, because we are always on the end of an email and ready to help.
Don't leave it too late!
Jo and Polly
“I’m not sure where to start with general feedback - I’m so thankful that both my girls have been a part of the HOW Girls pilot scheme. I think that this is going to be life altering for so many young girls. At this tricky time when self esteem is being formed, you are showing young girls that there really is more to life than the fake reality that social media is creating. I just wish they could do every week, as do they!”
“The confidence you have given the girls, the way you both treat them as important individuals with voices that will be heard and the bonding you encourage between them. This is a tricky age when they are on the cusp of being a teenager as well as discovering who they are. I remember feeling so socially awkward at this age, difficult to know where your place is. I feel that at HOW each week they can ‘just be’. It’s been very special.”
